Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) has gained a lot of attention in recent years, and it’s pretty obvious why. Made for the real world, BJJ is a form of self-defense that every person should master. BJJ focuses on ground-level altercations – utilizing holds, throws, and a variety of submission techniques. This makes jiu jitsu ideal when learning how to take on an opponent who may be larger than you, without necessarily having to hurt them.

Cubs Jiu Jitsu

Start them young! From 4 – 7 years old, this class has 45 minute duration and it is their first contact with the gentle art in a fun and educational way. We utilize fun language to teach basic jiu jitsu moves through games and with structure. Motor skills, attention to command, sociability, discipline, and friendships are built in this class.

Lil Lions Jiu Jitsu (8 and Up)

A more technical approach utilizing fun language to help develop their combative sports skills in a dynamic and safe environment. Kids are in constant growth, so the challenges created by the instructors help them realize their potential and improve their abilities. They will learn discipline, respect, and develop leadership skills, motor skills, and knowledge of what is to be a bully-proof kid.

Adult Jiu Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) has gained a lot of attention in recent years, and it’s pretty obvious why. Made for the real world, BJJ is a form of self-defense that every person should master. BJJ focuses on ground-level altercations – utilizing holds, throws, and a variety of submission techniques. This makes jiu jitsu ideal when learning how to take on an opponent who may be larger than you, without necessarily having to hurt them.

Muay Thai

With a long history in warfare and rich cultural roots, Muay Thai is the national sport of Thailand. This discipline sets itself apart from other martial arts due to its distinctive style of boxing. Muay Thai utilizes eight points of contact, rather than the four that similar styles, such as kickboxing, use. In Alliance Jiu Jitsu San Diego’s Muay Thai class, you’ll be using all eight contact points for punches, knee strikes, elbow strikes, kicks, and more. If you’re looking for something that will challenge what you think you know about martial arts, you’ve come to the right place.

Enhance your health and awareness

Are you ready to be in the best shape of your life? Well, Muay Thai is the martial art for you. Muay Thai is an intense form of physical training that boosts cardiovascular health through both aerobic and anaerobic exercises. As a result, you’ll quickly improve your endurance and build immense muscular strength throughout your entire body. Additionally, Muay Thai is known to help its practitioners shed fat and lose weight. After just an hour of Muay Thai training, you’ll have utilized pretty much every part of your body and burned about 500-700 calories.


Self Defense

Defensive Tactics

Defensive Tactics based on pressure tested and reality proven techniques derived from Filipino Martial Arts, Japanese and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, utilized with both empty hand and weapons based application.